Product Junkie - sometimes it means someone on the never ending hunt for something that works. For Gail, I don't see it that way. Not at all. After years of straightening and relaxing, she found the real deal results curl products that work. Ouidad, Deva, others from cm. (Ouidad and Deva are her main 2, for sure.) And, when I say she dabbles in product, I am not kidding. She tries it all, different layers, a pump of this, a dab of that, scrunch now, scrunch after, with a microfiber, with an old t-shirt, and with a paper towel - until she finds curl utopia. And all of this can go out the window and change within a few weeks with the weather, or with her mood. She truly enjoys feeding her curls, watching them sit in all of their defined glory, and knowing that when she tries new products that they will work - somehow, some way, even if they work just so on one curl every 3rd Tuesday. A woman after my own heart. My name is Jennifer, and I too, am a Produ...
Where Curls Are Always In Session