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New DevaCurl Styling Creme Launches With Fantastic Results

I set it on my station, stared at it, and wondered how much of a headache it would be to figure this stuff out. When it comes to curly hair styling product application, I have it down to a neurotic art form.  Usually, a 4 layer process that will make curls healthier over time as well as keep them defined and frizz free for 2-4 days (depending on curl type). And, everyone's recipe is customized for their specific curls and lifestyle.

As excited as I am that curlies have a new product to play with from a tried a true "results" company like Deva, I really don't g.a.f what it SAYS it will do on the side of the bottle, I need to SEE what it does, how it works - does it blend with my favorite leave in conditioner? Can it stand alone without the use of a gel or foam to keep frizz at bay for the day? For 2 days? Longer? Does it flake? Does it...........fffffffffffffff.

I do love Deva products, I love the smell of the DevaCare (white labels vs. green) that remind me
of a delicious Orange Julius, I LOVE the concept of No-Poo, I've seen the 
un-arguable, undeniable, and simply amazing results that removing sulfates of any kind can bring to certain types of curls. It's simply one of the best things one can do to make their curls the stuff of envy. (While I LOVE No-Poo, I also believe it's not for everyone, I've had enough willing and open minded curlies try it, with adequate devotion, who also for one reason or another, did not love it). That said, most curlies should try at least a sample sized bottle out for size and see if their curls fall in love. I'd say
more than 50% of my clients use No-Poo, and another 30% use a sulfate free shampoo. 

But, I digress. The reason I included the above diatribe is this: Yes, I love Deva, but I've noticed that
their gels perform best and give the most picture perfect results when curls are nicely hydrated out of the
gate - a.k.a already using No-Poo. (except for wavy and S'wavy's, who can use a hqrs - high quality regular shampoo like L'Oreal Serie or Ouidad, a sulfate free shampoo, or Low-Poo.)

This is not the case for the Styling Creme. Sweet. Not every new client that sits in my chair has a head
of well hydrated curls, so, sometimes it takes some extra tlc and wss (water soluble silicones) to show them how their curls will look once they start caring for them correctly. Remember, wss, water soluble silicones are just that. They dissolve and wash away with water alone. They do not build up. They are not the devil. But, they are "spanx" for your curls - they are a masker, not a solver - but can be a godsend for most curls and
deliver immediate results without compromising the health of the hair.

Sooooo, what are my findings THUS FAR, you ask? Here's what I found - with the help and
feedback of my awesome curlies. 
*Works best on coarser curls, 2b/c, 3a/b/c, corkscrew, corkicelli types. 
*REALLY lengthens corky curls without looking like they have a ton of product in them.
*Dries with very little cast, but retains curl definition the way a gel set would.
*Can eliminate the need for an initial cast softening product like pomade or glaze.
*It LASTS,  and kept frizzies at bay. One of my testers said she liked day 2 even better. 

Here are some curls styled with the creme:
the above picture is actually styled with gel, BUT, these curls would absolutely LOVE the creme.

Overall - DevaCurl Styling Creme = CurlGirl APPROVED. Nice Job, Deva :D xoxox

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