Skip to main content Curly Pool Party

  I had an amazing time at's Curly Pool Party!  Thank you so much, nc!  It was so much fun to be a Texture Squad Stylist and part of this event!

 I got to hang with Cassidy Blackwell, the Global Editor and the awesomeness behind one of the best named blogs ever, Natural Selection. She's completely adorable and I'm obsessed with her hair. Obsessed. Seriously. It makes me want to do rockstar 4a,b,and c curls. Her color is amazing. And, she was all like "It's wash and go." Just One Condition and Heaven in Hair. I felt like one of those cartoons where the character dramatically jaw drops and then picks their bottom lip off the floor and rolls it back up to their mouth.

I also got to hang with Michelle Breyer, co-founder of!!!!! The O.G of naturallycurly, and she knew who I was.  If that's being cornball, I don't want to be cool. She grew a little startup brainchild into a ridiculously badass company that empowers curlies all over the world.
Best part? She was legit cool. 

When I first started my journey as an "all curly, all the time 24/7 8 days a week" stylist, I spent countless hours absorbed in nc content. Reading the forums to see how clients feel about their curls, their frustrations, their sucess, what they wish their stylists knew, etc. helped me connect and really help curlies even in the early days before I'd seen and heard almost every type of curly want, need and challenge. I've been curl blogging (halfassedly, let's call a spade a spade) in my non existent spare time for years, and before that writing a music blog that was sorely unattended thus criminally under read for years as well, and have also been successfully neglecting my TheSuburbanHipsters food&fabulous content since its inception. When given the opportunity to contribute to content, it was blogger nirvana. I love to write, and I have so much content RIGHT HERE. *tapping index finger to my head*. Seeing my work on nc has given me a renewed energy and fueled my passion for blogging, not to mention it was really an honor. I put this pic on my mom's Facebook wall, since I'm not 8, and I can't stick it on her fridge. :D

Curls are sacred to me, and to be recognized on a site that I can credit a large part of my success to, well, it made me feel like this:
"they like me, they really like me!"


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