The jury is IN. People are LOVING this. I seriously encourage everyone to try it, because even if you decide it's not for you, you've spent less than a dollar to figure that out. I have a few clients who have been using their own home made flax seed hair gel for a while, and I decided to make a batch at home to see what all of the hype was about. I found this video on youtube, and it's about 5 minutes from start to finish. 1/4 c. whole flax seeds - Hello Omega 3 fatty acids !! Read about the benefits here! 2 cups water cheesecloth or pantyhose (to strain) plastic tongs vitamin e (mild preservative) a few drops of essential oils of your choice airtight container (she mentions that this makes just enough to last her before it goes bad.) Remember, it's TOTALLY FREE of artificial preservatives! Keep it in the fridge! The girl in the video mentions her supply lasts her about 3 weeks. How To Make Your Own Flaxseed Hair Gel This whipped up as easily as the ...
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