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Ouidad Curl Recovery Ultra Nourishing Cleansing Oil

LOVE. This one has me totally psyched, I really adore it already!! The Salon Series  and Now the Curl Recovery Series are taking the product line to another level - luxury! UPDATE 3/2014 - this is my favorite cleanser, I even like it as much as no-poo, and for those of you who aren't in love with the no-poo idea, this stuff is the best! It lasts a long time, and I am seeing amazing results after people start using it.  Approved!!!!!!

"Ultra Nourishing Cleansing Oil is a foaming, water-activated cleanser with an advanced oil base that gently removes dirt and build-up while restoring essential moisture. Our proprietary CR-4 Repair Complex™ – including nutrient-rich Mafura Butter and Kalahari Melon Seed Oil – envelopes the hair shaft with a cushion-like coating of concentrated fatty acids that are vital to rebuilding, nourishing and protecting hair in need of repair. Silk proteins and coconut oils bind to the cuticle to sustain hydration and resist damage while enhancing body and shine. 


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