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Top Six Ouidad Picks by Florida's Curly Hair Expert

Curl Envy Starter Pack

Remember, these suggestions are based on my salon experiences and feedback from my clientele -

My number one selling brand, by a country mile, is Ouidad.  Why? Simply put, it's easy to use and easiest to get the best results, longest lasting styles, and least frizz - even for those of you who are challenged when it comes to styling your curls at home. Ouidad Climate Control gel is a humidity slaying beast that has literally changed lives. If I could only use ONE gel, for forever, it would be Climate Control. My personal favorite is Curl Quencher Gel - try both and pick a favorite - or blend them!

Ultra Nourishing Cleansing Oil is becoming my new gospel in cleanser. About 70% of my current clients are using it.  I am seeing increased color vibrancy retention - and color clients who are using it come back with the least fading, and the best softness and shine. Infused with watermelon seed oil that both moisturize the scalp, and gently pull away any excess sebum - it works smashingly on just about all curl types. I was skeptical about the $25 price point for an 8.5 oz bottle, but it has proven well worth it, you only need a little, and reports have been coming back that the 8.5 oz is lasting on average about 4 months.

My go to pick for Ouidad Conditioner is the Curl Quencher - it has a heavier feel, but it doesn't weigh hair down, and rinses out very nicely. Smells Yum. Super good times. If I could only use one from their line, this would be it.

Every curly needs a leave in. Some call it a filler, some call it a miracle. No matter what you call it, use one. The finest, swavy type hair usually responds best to a product like botanical boost, but if we are thinking broad spectrum, Moisture Lock has it.  The more moisture depleted your hair is, the more you need to use. For the swavy's, a pea size amount is sufficient. For some of my thick 3b's, I use more Moisture Lock than gel!

The Styling Mist is a hairspray. It does contain alcohol, but one that is slower to evaporate, which means it doesn't instantly suck the moisture out of your hair as it freeze dries on contact. I like to use it over a fresh wet set, after I add leave in and the gel and towel scrunch. Mist over the hair lightly and air dry or sit under a hard top dryer. If you are diffusing, adding additional  bursts of Styling Mist as you move through your curls will help with lift, curl definition, and frizz prevention.

Shine Glaze is a one size fits all for finish and shine. Clear Control Pomade is also pretty legit, but that's another blog. Shine Glaze IS WATER SOLUBLE. I repeat, IT IS WATER SOLUBLE. There are such things as water soluble cones. Because, science. I've had this confirmed by the head honchos at Ouidad, including THEEE head honcho. I've never seen it cause buildup ONCE, and you can use it on wet OR dry curls.  Those who do a wet set and air dry on the way to work love it, because they add it in and simply hand scrunch to break the cast when it's dry. It also does a marvelous job when added to fully dried curls, or anywhere in between. A little goes a long way and a bottle usually last 6 months to a year.


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